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All About Treadle Pottery

My Story

Treadle Pottery is years in the making. I first experienced clay in middle school and still have my first coil piece. I lost touch with clay until I was an adult and it called me back. I took private lessons from local artists, classes at our junior college and started experimenting at home. 


A few years later I was given a hand-built stand-up treadle wheel and taught myself how to throw on it. I fell in love with the organic nature of throwing compared to throwing on an electric wheel. When you are balancing on one foot, kicking with another and have both hands in the clay, each piece becomes a whole body experience. The physical connection to each piece is strong. 


I took another step in my journey when I met a local, master potter. When he retired, I was able to purchase his studio and learn from him about glaze making and appreciated his methodical approach to creating. 


Eventually, I was able to purchase a Klopfenstein treadle wheel and had even more fun with greater turning power.


During a Greater Gulf Coast Arts Festival in Pensacola Fl., I ran across a booth in the heritage row section that showcased wood-fired pottery and I was hooked!


My turning point, and what lead me to adventuring out into the world, was when my daughter gave me a framed quote by Morgan Harper Nichols that reads, "This is the season she will make beautiful things. Not perfect things, but honest things that speak to who she is and who she is called to be".


Over time I have come to learn that the pieces I love most to create are those most influenced by and connected to nature. 

My little critters and whimsical pieces keep me company in my home studio and hope will brighten your day, too!


Thank you for you interest in Treadle Pottery. 



Tricia Sheridan



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